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Positive Psychology Self-Care:
New Ways to Feel Happy

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Really? There are NEW ways to feel happy? Haven't we heard all this wellbeing stuff before and know what we need to be doing, but just don't do it?

Well, we hadn't heard of these ideas before and felt the video, from Action for Happiness, had so many helpful tips and tricks that we needed to share them.

New Ways to Feel Happy

Vanessa King covers some interesting ideas and techniques to support your self-care: 

  • Discover what a build-up of carbon dioxide does to you when stressed and how 'physiological sighs' can help you right when you need it

  • How to use your virtual remote control

  • How to check in with others, what is 'joy spotting' and how tuning in to others helps social connections in a two-way win-win

  • Employ the "Thank You ++" where you extend a simple thanks to including the impact on you of what they did, and notice their strengths and qualities...

  • Should you ask someone who is depressed for help with your problems?

  • Using your phone to discover your source of meaning

  • The little word with big impact: Awe

  • Do affirmations even work?

Positive psychology is NOT all about positive thinking, which can really grate on your nerves when you are 'trying to be positive' but are, apparently, unable to match the positivity of others no matter how hard you try.  Positive psychology is more about active coping, making small, positive improvements for the next hour, day etc.

For lots more ideas and practical ways to wellbeing, including an app, check out the Action for Happiness website.


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