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Recycled Craft Projects

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Recycled craft projects provide inspiration for creativity when you need something to pass the time but have limited resources to hand, such as we find ourselves in now under lockdown conditions.  They are also an everyday eco-friendly craft option, re-using waste materials and putting them to good use instead of sending them to landfill.

funny crafts for kids picture

So, it's OK knowing that crafting is good for your wellbeing but if you don't have a wealth of creative supplies to hand, or you can't get your craft supplies delivered as quick as you'd like, or perhaps they're even 'non-essential' and you can't order them at all, so what are you supposed to do? 

Can you help us build a library of recycled craft projects and ideas to inspire those without the means to access or afford resources and supplies; to encourage creative wellbeing and show you can be creative with what you might have to hand, but perhaps never thought of?

Is it time to dig up all those 'old fashioned' crafts that people did during the war, after all we seem to be facing similar conditions!

Please submit your own projects and ideas for recycling and reusing materials into creative projects.  Got your own DIY craft recipes for making homemade alternatives to art and craft supplies?  Go ahead and submit those too (photos must be your own work)

Tell Us How You Craft with Recycled Materials or DIY Creative Recipes

We would love to hear how you use recycled materials in your crafting, plus any DIY recipes for your tried-and-tested homemade alternatives to art and craft supplies.

Your ideas will help those who can't afford fancy craft supplies to enjoy some creativity, as well as inspire those who are already "eco-conscious" and looking for more green, more eco-friendly ways to enjoy creating and making.

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Recycled Craft Project Ideas from Others

Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...

Recycled Collage 
This collage was made for my daughter, inspired by a favourite author, and is totally made of recycled items. The house was made of bandage ends which …

Toothpaste Batik 
This craft project is a toothpaste batik I made from some old kitchen muslin, cheap toothpaste, aloe vera gel and acrylic paints that were a present. …

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