Crafting4Good Grid of 3 Boxes with Linked Images

Creative Health & Wellbeing Workshops

Health & Wellbeing Workshops are modelled on previous sessions we have delivered in the community, making use of existing equipment and supplies from our creative surplus, so as to further "reduce-reuse-recycle".  They are intended to be friendly and enjoyable, a chance for some creative 'me-time' or team-building, rather than pressure to make a wonderful 'thing'.

Mindful Art Journaling

With a registered, qualified Art Therapist

You’ll be given all the materials and guidance needed.  You'll work in a mindful way to create a piece of art and writing based on how you’re feeling in the present moment. The session will include mindful breathing exercises, a discussion on what being mindful means, the practical activity and an opportunity to share in a safe and non-judgemental space.

Virtual Reality for Wellbeing

With a registered, qualified Art Therapist

This is great fun!  Ever tried Virtual Reality (VR)?  We've got our own headsets from a previous project we ran with community groups and residential homes.  You’ll use VR for around 15-20 minutes in a safe and guided session, trying an app called ‘Multibrush’ that allows you to ‘paint’ in 3D all around yourself. Full instructions will be given and the session will be led by a qualified Art Therapist and Tutor.

Wreath Making for all Seasons

Wreaths aren't just for Christmas!  You’ll use scraps of material to create a colourful wreath, according to season, occasion, your favourite colour-scheme etc.  Full guidance will be provided by a Tutor.

Bracelet Making

All materials will be supplied to create beautiful bracelets using, for example, semi-precious stones, shell beads, coral beads and pearls etc. Enjoy time-out in a creative session and come away with your own handmade bracelet(s).

How much does it cost?

All materials are supplied and each workshop is the same price, regardless of activity or numbers of people (max 10), held over a morning or afternoon session, held at our venue*.  Fellow nonprofits receive a 30% discount:  

  • £300 - Corporate Rate
  • £210 - Community Rate

*Currently this is Unity Hall, Wakefield city centre but it's not wheelchair accessible. We may be able to travel if you're local and happy to cover travel costs, please enquire.

Do we need to bring anything?

No, all materials are supplied

Is the venue accessible

Our current venue is Unity Hall in Wakefield and isn't wheelchair accessible

Are they suitable for children, can they come along?

Whilst we have delivered sessions with children and families, these groups are intended to be delivered to adults.

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