Crafting4Good Grid of 3 Boxes with Linked Images

Our Social Impact

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Crafting4Good exists to support mental health and the environment by linking unwanted art and craft supplies with those who need them, thereby reducing waste and avoiding landfill whilst supporting people's creative wellbeing. 

We achieve our social impact in various ways, with many beneficiaries making up our creative eco-system.

Who Benefits?

Our beneficiaries are not only the people who end up using our supplies, we have an impact on many more:

1. Community Groups

We give free creative supplies to community groups and organisations who support others through creative activities.  We're often told that "there's no budget" or even that leaders of some groups have to pay for supplies from their own pockets, so we save them money and help the groups to continue.  We are sometimes able to run free activities too, if we've secured funding, which frees up their time to focus on what they do best.

2. Workshop Attendees

Having something to do and somewhere to go without the pressure of 'being good', making a masterpiece or being able to afford classes is important for people on a budget, providing a social experience and a boost to mental health as they enjoy making, learning something new, talking with other people, feeling connected and part of a group.

3. Volunteers & Students

Feeling you're giving back, getting out of the house and being with others can be very good for your wellbeing.  We have also provided young people with valuable work experience, through education partnerships, which is good for their confidence and helps them to find employment once they have some "experience" and references under their belt (this is a Catch 22 we feel strongly about: young people go for jobs and get told they have "no work experience", but how are they supposed to get that experience if they can't get a job...)

4. Individual Donors

De-cluttering "relief" is real; donating to a specialist organisation knowing it's going to a good home makes donors feel better about parting with a carefully curated stash of art and craft supplies that they've spent a lot of money on over the years.  This is especially the case for bereaved families who suddenly find themselves responsible for a lot of 'stuff' they maybe don't understand the value of and don't know what to do with, but they certainly don't want to throw it out.  These donations are especially touching and families have hired vans to bring us their loved one's pride and joy.

5. Business Donors

We are an outlet and liaison for businesses needing to pass on surplus stock or 'waste'.  Having a specialised organisation like us to be able to easily pass on their excess stock means a no-hassle way to freeing up space and solving a problem of what to do with their stuff.  They also know that their surplus is then put to good use in the community for people who need it, contributing to their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and, increasingly, helping them with sustainable supply chains and carbon reduction, which is becoming increasingly important and will eventually filter down to even small businesses.

Art and Craft Donation from YPO for Spectrum People
quote from a fashion designer who donated fabric offcuts
business donation paints
business donation marker pens

6. Customers

Pre-loved and brand new creative supplies, with a focus on supporting those on a budget to be creative and practice creative self-care at home, through eBay, our printables and our Creative Hub in Wakefield, UK (up to 2023).  Art and craft can be expensive but our supplies mean they can keep going at home, try new hobbies without a large initial layout, support large families etc. at a lower cost than buying brand new.  Customers who can afford it and purchase our more expensive or specialised items on eBay are very happy to know they're supporting others with their purchases, whilst enjoying their own creative self-care.

customer feedback on our art and craft supplies shop

100% Social Purpose

Community Giving

Having a social purpose means we have social impact i.e. our business and activities have a positive benefit on others. 

One of the main things we can do is provide free creative supplies.

We receive lots of donations and we try to sell what we can to generate an income, with any surplus being made available for free to community groups and care homes etc.  It is now generally accepted that creativity is good for wellbeing and mental health, and yet many places are not allocated a budget for supplies, so we support where we can.

Free creative supplies for Hemsworth SEND GroupFree creative supplies received by Hemsworth SEND Group

Free Pink Pig Art Paper

Free Pink Pig Art Paper for Family ActivitiesFree Pink Pig Art Paper for Family Activities in The Ridings, Wakefield

We supplied free quality art paper from Pink Pig and various drawing materials for family activities taking place in The Ridings Shopping Centre in Wakefield.  Their forward-thinking approach sees empty retail units being used as community spaces dedicated to events for local people, in this case it was family arts and crafts workshops run by Wakefield Council.

Pink Pig are a local sketchbook manufacturer who have supported us a lot by sending us their offcuts, and the art supplies were donated by individuals so that we are able to support groups and events like this, bringing some colour to families!

Drawings Using Free Art Paper for Family ActivitiesDrawings Using Free Art Paper for Family Activities in The Ridings, Wakefield

Free Cross Stitch Supplies

Free cross stitch supplies given to a community cross stitch groupFree cross stitch supplies for a community cross stitch group

We were able to supply 4 boxes of donated embroidery threads to a cross stitch group based at a community centre in Wakefield. 

They were a fairly new group but really well-attended so new supplies were welcome.

Over time we also donated odd bits of aida fabric, more threads and patterns, plus members of the group were able to purchase further low-cost supplies for themselves in our community shop.

Free Card Making Supplies for Fundraising

Free card making supplies supporting crafting and fundraising by a dyslexia groupFree card making supplies supporting crafting and fundraising by a dyslexia group

Thanks to crafters donating their unwanted supplies to us, we were able to supply free card making supplies to Managing Dyslexia, a community group based at Sandal library in Wakefield.  They were an existing support group who felt they wanted to add crafting into their activities for the mental health benefits it brings. They don't stop there though, the group then fundraise with the handmade cards they have been able to make - we were thrilled to spot the fruits of their labour on display at a wellbeing event!

Free Cuttlebug Die Cutting Machine and Unwanted Dies

Free Cuttlebug die-cutting machine and unwanted magazine freebie dies for a community craft groupFree Cuttlebug die-cutting machine and unwanted free magazine dies for a community craft group

We were able to supply a free Cuttlebug die-cutting machine to an established craft group based at a community centre. 

The group has fantastic attendance and has existed for a few years, so we were more than happy to pass on a donated Cuttlebug along with unwanted magazine freebie dies to get them started. 

The plates that came with the Cuttlebug were a bit well-used, so they will probably need to source new plates, and because they might not know what they need to buy, we provided links to Cuttlebug plates on eBay* for the chance of some good bargains, and of course it helps the eBay sellers too.  If they find an entire Cuttlebug on eBay for a better price than buying the plates alone, they can just return the one we gave them and we can put it back into our stock, but they can still benefit from our free magazine dies and of course our reduced cost dies, from donations.  It's all good.

Free Craft Supplies Stall

Free craft supplies from donations of drawing paper, magazine freebies and craft card, gems etc.Free craft supplies from donations of drawing paper, magazine freebies and craft card, gems etc

Our aim is to make creativity accessible for all but especially for those on a budget.   

We were at a wellbeing event at St Swithun's Community Centre promoting creativity as a means to positive mental health and wellbeing.  We were going to promote our new Creative Hub and shop, but we decided against running a stall to buy cheap craft supplies and took lots of freebies instead!

Making Best Use of Donations

We had some lightly used supplies piling up in boxes that needed further sorting, which would take time, so we just took those along. 

Brilliant change of plan, because even though we didn't raise any funds, the experience was priceless: lots of excited kids and adults rummaging about in stuff that we couldn't put out in the shop but which they thought were great! 

So, as well as helping us clear down some stock and gain some space, it turns out kids are really good at sorting through boxes of wool, card, paper, toppers and gems for pure enjoyment! 

Creative Kids

Some of the kids were rather resourceful:  after a lot of commotion and excitement at what they were finding, suddenly they disappeared only to return with some free tote bags being given out free at another stall, meaning they could now carry all their free goodies! 

Best of all, they came up with creative ideas on the spot - it seems kids love mirri card (it has a surface you can see your reflection in)  Our rummage box had some die cut frames and mirri silver circles...

"It's like a mirror!" they exclaimed, as they stuck the die cut frames to the Mirri pieces with adhesive paper flowers - no glue, they used the adhesive on the back of the flowers! As it was almost Mother's Day, they then rummaged for alphabet stickers for their names or 'Mum'. 

They loved it, we loved it and it was all made possible because people had sent in lightly used but unwanted papercraft supplies.  Brilliant. 

Magazine Freebies

Unwanted magazine freebies were a hit too - especially the books of papers you sometimes get with magazines, and the mini card kits.

Crafters send them to us because they subscribe to craft magazines but don't always like or need the freebies that come with them - however they are brilliant for us because they are in wrappers and are therefore 'new' packs we can give out for free.

Free Quality Art Paper

We could also offer quality drawing paper and coloured mulberry paper thanks to offcuts donated by Pink Pig Sketchbooks*

At first the kids would take a single piece or two, but we could say take a handful!  They couldn't believe it.  

How does a child flourish in their creativity if they don't have access to paper to be able to practice and perfect?

Donations from The Pink Pig allowing kids to practice their art on quality sketch paperDonations from The Pink Pig allowing kids to practice their art on quality sketch paper

"Self-Care" Mental Health Event 

Free printables and magazine freebies for the public at a mental health eventFree printables and magazine freebies for the public at a mental health event

Some of our printable craft supplies and donated magazine freebies were given out to the public at a mental health event held at St Catherine's church, Wakefield. 

The event was put on by the Richmond Fellowship for local people to see the types of support and activities available to them. 

We approached it from a 'self care' point of view since engaging in creative activities can help your wellbeing.  We had various easy card making printables available so that people could take them away and get creative when they got home.

Kids School Holiday Group

Kids art and craft supplies for a summer groupKids art and craft supplies for a summer group

Kids art and craft supplies were given to a group of vulnerable children and young people attending a summer group over 5 weeks. 

We don't get many kids supplies donated which is a shame because there are plenty of kids groups we could support, but we managed to pull a mix of new and used goodies together so the kids could do card making, painting, modelling, loom bands, bead making and general crafting.  We even managed to get some creative books in there.

Community Centre Raffle

Craft bundle for a Community CentreCraft bundle for a Community Centre

As a thank you to St Swithun's Community Centre who funded our first ever office space, allowing us to get started on our social enterprise journey, we provided a big bundle of brand new craft goodies for their summer raffle.

All items had been donated by our online customers, social media followers and the public as well as The Paperbox in York who send us their end-of-line clearance items.

Mental Health Event

Free craft supplies for attendees at a mental health eventFree craft supplies at a mental health event

Free craft supplies for attendees at a Positive Mental Health day at St Swithun's Community Centre. 

People were allowed to take what they wanted from our donated stock of craft sheets, die-cuts, embellishments and peel-off stickers and at the end of the day, we gave the surplus to the centre for their crafting groups to use.

Learning Disability Group

Cross stitch kits for adults with learning disabilitiesCross stitch kits for adults with learning disabilities

New donated cross stitch kits were given to Leep 1 CIC in Leeds, a centre for adults with learning disabilities. 

They enjoy doing needlecraft under the guidance of one of their members who recently had her cross stitch and embroidery work exhibited at Leeds Art Gallery, and sells what she's made to raise funds for their group.  We also put a donation request out later for gold thread so the group could finish a Christmas tablecloth.

Knit & Natter

Free knitting needles for members of a Knit & Natter groupFree knitting needles for a Knit & Natter group

A lady donated some of her old knitting supplies and the needles went down a treat with a local Knit & Natter group who took what they needed. 

Men with Complex Needs

The start of it all!  We ran some pilot craft classes at a supported housing scheme for people with complex needs which ended up running for a few months.  This started the ball rolling with the donations coming in from customers, social media followers and even people we didn't even know but who heard about it from others or read our blogs.  You can read all the blogs we did on this pilot here (we now support groups with supplies rather than do outreach ourselves due to time restrictions)

More Social Impact...

In addition we have

  • Given free supplies to Narcotics Anonymous, the Salvation Army, Brownies and Guides, asylum seekers, various nurseries and care homes, a dyslexia group, 
  • Supplied a new printer to a community food bank
  • Gave Christmas craft goodies to a retirement home for people with dementia
  • Provided affordable downloadable activities to care homes, carers, people who are housebound, and even 'down under' to an Aboriginal group
  • Helped people to make new friends and take part in online activities both home and abroad, through our online community.

Disclaimer:  We may not be doing all these things today e.g. outreach sessions with groups so we now support groups run by others, with resources and supplies, instead.

* We always look for the best way to get the most benefit from donated items to have the best social impact possible *

Our Social Impact

We always look for the best way to get the most benefit from donated items to have the best impact possible

"Your" Social Impact

We encourage our customers to make their own social impact through use of our "Sell What You Make" printables for fundraising or even donating what they've made to those who need them e.g. see our article Food Bank Story

Perhaps the biggest impact of all is all down to those generous people who donate unwanted art and craft supplies - without them, we wouldn't have the resources to continue doing what our company is set up to do.

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