Crafting4Good Grid of 3 Boxes with Linked Images
UKSPF UK Government Funding West Yorkshire Combined Authority Tracy Brabin Mayor of West Yorkshire

Creative Self-Care

creativity good for wellbeing

Creativity is good for your wellbeing.

We believe in creative self-care using art and crafts as a means to positive mental health and resilience, whilst diverting usable supplies from landfill and putting them to good use in the community.

We want people feel good through creativity,
whilst creating jobs, work experience and volunteer opportunities 


Supporting Mental Health & Our Environment

Our feelings around creative self-care come from personal experience and the need to discover practical ways to develop resilience and wellbeing, heavily influenced by:

  • Positive Psychology (not 'positive thinking')
  • Discovering & Using Your Character Strengths
  • Art Therapy & Expressive Arts
  • The 5 Ways to Wellbeing
  • Action for Happiness

We also saw that people needed access to creative supplies for their mental health and those very same supplies were being thrown away for various reasons - so we connected them together.

Now, unwanted art and craft supplies are made accessible to people who need them for supporting their mental health and wellbeing.

Nonprofit & Community Benefit 🫶

  • We generate income from unwanted art and craft supplies, donated by artists, crafters and businesses.
  • We create jobs, young people's work experience and volunteer opportunities.
  • Surplus is given for free to local community organisations supporting children and adults, mostly in underprivileged areas.

Environmentally Driven ♻️

It's extremely important to us that we're as eco-friendly as possible in all we do, from recycling and diverting unwanted creative supplies from landfill, to using recycled, ethical or sustainable goods and services.  So far, we've diverted over 7.5 tonnes of unwanted art and craft 'waste' from potentially going to landfill*

Donations Diverted from Landfill by Crafting4Good CIC

*Apologies but we cannot take donations at the moment as our storage is full - please check options local to you here:

Business for Good 🫶

All income is reinvested into our social purpose

Crafting4Good CIC is a nonprofit 'Community Interest Company' which exists to benefit the community. 

Also known as a Social Enterprise, it means we 'trade' as a business purely for 'good' social reasons.

The more income we generate from 'waste' and unwanted arts and crafts, the more people we can benefit and the bigger the impact we can have on mental health and society. 

Affordable Supplies for All Budgets

Whatever your budget, we have creative goodies for you or your community group